Sunday, January 1, 2023

A new year

 I stepped away from my blog last March, somehow I half-finished a post on the Dublin Pub 1 miler, and then... never finished it. (I am going to blame the realization that I had just switched to iPhone and realized the formatting was not great. And I didn't want to try fixing it at the time.) I actually got a phone call that day to start a long-term subbing position, and then, everything got busy. There was a fair bit of travel, a half marathon, and Coastermania at Cedar Point, and I started a new job teaching in my own classroom. It has been a very busy year.

Right now, I'd say most of my adventure is centered on a pair of guinea pigs. I actually got two of them just before Thanksgiving, and one of them got sick and died. I had to wait to get a second one to make sure the first wasn't also sick. And since that would take making sure the new one didn't fight the first, it took a few extra weeks to get the second, and boy was there a size difference. So... they did get along. Rather quickly in fact.

Yes, the little one gets along great and is growing fast.

I will say that the ordeal with getting the replacement has left a sour taste in my mouth for Petco. I had a grant (Pets in the Classroom) to get the main setup, but because I had a discounted animal, when they had to replace the one that didn't make it, I couldn't just get one from another Petco, it had to be the same store. And... they ran out when the quarantine was up, so... 

There is a lot planned for 2023, and guinea pigs are not the main thing. (No matter what they tell you.) I have two half marathons scheduled through May and a few other races. But I needed to reboot the blog, so here we are. 

Don't let his innocent look fool you. 

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