Sunday, September 20, 2020

Porygon Hunting

With the new school year starting, and with many things still down because of COVID restrictions, getting out and doing much has been a challenge for this month. It made my goal of two posts per week basically impossible, and I didn't have enough of a buffer to keep that up for long. 

A few weeks ago I ordered a new pair of hiking shoes, a pair of Dr. Martens Kamin hiking boots. I am nearing the end of the line for my second pair of DM Ajax 939 hiking boots, and these looked really neat and were only an extra $10. I liked the 939's that I had, though I wasn't a fan of the Ajax style leather's texture. I feel it made the boots look off for a few days after putting fresh Balsam on them. That being said, both of the pairs I had contained neon-colored leather on the shoes' collars that lit up under black light. (It's a weakness of mine.) 
Of course, being Dr. Martens, they need to be broken in, an epic struggle of will power that feels like it will never end, but ends with a shoe that feels great with no idea how there could have been a struggle to get there. I have already worn them out of the house a few times, but today was their first easy hike.

I headed out to a small county park where there is a half-mile boardwalk trail. Not really a test for the shoes per se, but since they are still breaking in, I didn't want to be a mile from the car in rough terrain and unable to walk. I actually made that mistake once with a pair of 1460s that were not broken in yet when I walked seven miles looking for a glove. I hope to have them on the real trails in a few weeks. 

Being that today was Porygon day for Pokemon Go, and the park actually had cell service, I attempted to catch a shiney Porygon. I didn't see any, but I did manage to take the gym. I guess there is some irony in hiking a nature preserve and hunting Pokemon, with signs about not taking items from the park or disturbing wildlife. Still, I got a decent short hike in. I probably should have done a second lap, but I misread the clock. 

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