Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Little Miami State Park (2/75)

ohio br 1

I had one of the rare free weekdays available to hit another State Park and decided on Little Miami State Park. I have a fair bit of trouble accepting this as a state park, purely based on it is a 50-mile bike path. I have nothing against bikes, as I currently have five of them. My house is inches away from a spur of the local bike path. My family uses the bike path on a near-daily basis. Our bike path isn't a State Park though, and this just seems mean spirited. I'd love to say how great it is and such, but... it's a bike path. It's not even as long as the local one, which is connected by other routes in Dayton. 

route 25 sign
50% bigger. 100% less State Park.

As paths go, I was only on it for a few miles. Maybe it is better further along it in either direction. I admit route 25 has some boring areas. I just still can't wrap my head around it, almost 24 hours later.

It wasn't a bad trip though, by any means. My youngest came along, and "ran" a mile as I took photos. His PR is around 13 min/mile, but he was walking it, having only gotten a tenth of a mile farther than me as I took pictures. We walked a bit farther, looking at trees that seemed to be hiding some great views. Maybe the views will be better this winter, I can't say. We could see Kings Island though.

Some things are taller than trees.

I don't know if the highlight of the trip for my son was seeing Kings Island, one of his favorite places in the world, or if it was the wildlife. He is a bit finicky about seeing wildlife, or at least he is when it comes to rabbits. Bunnies are only ok with him as long as he sees them in even numbers. Two is good, four is great, but five bunnies will annoy him. Thankfully, we didn't see any rabbits. W did see a few deer though. It seems the "even" rule doesn't apply to deer, even though we are unsure if we saw three of them or just two.

doe and fawn
The fawn's spots are fading. 

We finished up the walk, and I added the sticker to the book. (The office with stamps was nowhere near us.) 

bike trail
2 down, 73 to go.

On the way home, we stopped at Field and Stream to look for a hiking pole. I would rather have a single one since I am usually using my camera, but if a set catches my eye... They only had one kind in stock. Two really, since they had it in carbon fiber and aluminum. I wasn't a fan of either one and had expected a much better selection. I have a lead on where to look next, but that will be another day. We got lunch and headed home.

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